Kara BukowskisoundcloudInstagram

zaman su gibi akar (time flows like water), 2023 

A person waves to someone, the waves crash in the glow of dusk, the order of things blurs and repeats itself - we wait, though sometimes we’re not even sure what for. It’s unclear what came first, the sunset or the sunrise.

The three-channel video installation explores the complexity of waiting (and waiting for something to pass). Daily routines take on an almost ritualistic quality. The view from the window meets the anonymity of urban life. The soundscape weaves into a collage of elements from the external and domestic worlds. They overlap and flow into each other, like time slipping through our fingers and water carrying us to other shores.

3-Channel Videoinstallation with sound, 11.:09 min,
Galerie 52, Folkwang Universität der Künste, October 2023